This blog is dedicated to my Final Year Project which will be an Urban Installation created in an abandoned house, where the 4 seasons are unleashed. Within this blog, you will know how my project has progressed including the problems which I will encounter and also the development of my final piece - Hafiza :D

Monday, 8 February 2010

Solving issue: Rotating Projector

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been trying to solve the issue about how to rotate the projector. These are the results so far for the 4 ways previously mentioned.

1> Using a turntable motor:
I spent a good few days looking for the complete turntable motor or something similar, however I had no luck. I did come across record-players and deck turntables, however these were from £200 - £400. It would be cheaper if I just built one therefore this way is discontinued.

2> Using a stepping motor and build the platform:
With help from my tutor, I have managed to get hold of a stepping motor. The next challenge for this is to build a platforms that would rotate via the stepping motor. This way is still in progress.

3> Using a windwiper motor and build the platforms:
I went to a few places in search for a windwiper motor. However, I was unable to get hold of one therefore the way is discontinued.

4> Build the whole thing myself, using a drill as a motor:
This way is still in use at the moment. If the stepping motor does not allow the platform to rotate, I will use the idea of using a drill as a motor in order to solve this issue.

From the above list, ways 2 & 4 are still in process and therefore I have a good chance in order to solve this issue.

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